jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

The faculty facilities...

During the last time there have been many improvements in terms of infrastructure, such as a computer room bigger and with more computers. There are bathrooms on each floor, a cafeteria, a library and two computer rooms, among others. Between the areas for improvement are the number of copies of the books in the library, the absence of an adequate study room, the number of classrooms and the size of the cafetería, which is inadequate for the number of students and staff, also the product prices are high and there is not much variety. I think the first step is to review seriously the situation and put more resources in infrastructure. To solve this situation, I would allocate more resources for materials such as books and online platforms access, also deploy more classrooms or organize better the schedules, expand the cafeteria to make it more comfortable and ideally allow the installation of another to have more options of choice. In my opinion it would create a big impact, making the facilities more comfortable and appropriate, we may have more learning resources, which would undoubtedly enrich our learning process and social interactions. I believe that in general there should be a constant concern for the topic of infrastructure because a quality university requires interest of people and knowledge, but also appropriate technology and facilities. I hope this brief description of the current situation allows you to have an overview of the topic, on the positive side is that although there are plenty of things to improve and there are lots of good ideas to do it, see you soon, greetings!

3 comentarios:

  1. Friend!
    Our Faculty is great despite of everything!!
    I met you here! and that makes it special!

  2. There are many things to improve on our faculty, right?

    Very good your ideas!

    A hug!

  3. It might make you feel a little better to think that when I was a student we didn't have any computers, photocopies, data show,and a long etcetera.
