viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

Friends! :)

Personally, I don’t like to rank my friends because the relationship and bond with each of them is different, however if I should talk about my closest friend, I would talk about my friend Daniela. She is undoubtedly a very special person, whom I admire and love, she is very good, sensitive, reliable, funny, smart and organized, with her I always laugh a lot. I met her about 9 years ago at primary school and we have been friends since then, now both are studying in the same campus so fortunately it is easier to see us.
Generally, I consider myself a very sociable person, but I think for considering someone a true friend I should spend enough time to know, trust and have affection for the person. About making friends online, although I have been able to meet lots of people around the world with similar interests, which I find very entertaining, for me it is necessary to know someone directly so, without a doubt, I prefer to make friends face to face.
I value in a friend, above all, honesty, mutual trust and the possibility to share all kinds of moments and situations. Linked to this, a friend should be reliable, unconditional and sincere mainly. To me friends are for share, in a broad sense, life. I consider myself a good friend or at least I do everything possible to be one. Fortunately, a friend never let me down and if something similar happened I think that person was never a true friend.
It can seem incredible, but I still keep in touch with my childhood friends, even in kindergarten and school, which makes me very happy.
Friends are people who are always there, whose company never bothers, who love you, but above all, who make every moment more enjoyable.

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

Planet's problems are multiplying

I selected this article because the area of psychology in which I want work is community psychology, which works on issues such as poverty, environmental issues and public politics. It really is not an article itself, but a series of letters to the editor with opinions about the proposals of George Monbiot, one of the best known writers in the environmental movement. Author of ten books on the subject and representative figure of the group People & Planet. Monbiot has been awarded the 500 from the UN for its work on environmental issues. As such, it has earned the cordial hatred of right-wing sectors in the current policy. These letters address the debate around environmental issues, on the one hand some people believe that the main responsibility lies with the richest countries, who through the economic system of production have devastated the planet, others point out that the exponential increase population, especially in poorer countries, has a significant effect in increasing environmental problems. Although this is not an article, as I already noted, I think it offers an interesting discussion and highly relevant considering the current environmental conditions of our planet, a subject on which I also would like to work at the level of policies and communities. The link to the website is, I hope you enjoy it.

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009


I have a wonderful pet, her name is Osita and she is the most beautiful and crazy dog, she is actually still a puppy. The story of how she came into my life is a very long tale, a friend of my mom found her abandoned in the street and took her home, where everyone welcome her. The problem was that they already had two dogs and space was tight, so they must seek a new home, so the friend of my mom talked to her and invited us to know her, it was really love at first sight, she was a totally sweet puppy. My mom and me took her home, this occurred in mid-January. I like many things about her, she is sweet, crazy, tender, cheerful, funny and she likes to run and jump a lot, without a doubt she is a member of the family. Without her life would be definitely very different because she is a very important and special company to me and my mom, she has a place in our lives and although she is very messy we would feel a great emptiness without her. I do not think it is absolutely necessary to have a pet, but I believe that animals are so genuine and loving beings who can teach us many things and give us constant joy filled moments, so I recommend keeping pets. I think that for children is very positive to have a pet, because it involves assume responsibility for one another and they can play and and also generate new emotional relationships. I would adopt a homeless animal if I had the space in my house to give it adequate living conditions. About the pets abandoned Chaiten I think it was a very sad situation, unfortunately there are not the necessary resources and the security conditions to evacuate them from the city.

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

Beautiful Santiago :)

Santiago... Well I must say that I love my city, there are many places that I like and they are very special to me. This city may surprise you, because there you can find characteristic spaces of a modern city, but also places of privileged nature. In my opinión there are many beautiful and interesting places to visit, such us the Palacio de la Moneda (Mint Palace), the Plaza de Armas (main square), the cathedral, the Pre-Columbian Art Museum and Casa Colorada are among the most popular sites. The Bellavista Bohemian Neighborhood stands out for its distinguished restaurants, art galleries, pubs and residences dwelled by well-known writers. Other neighborhoods which show off their modern buildings and quiet atmosphere are Las Condes and Providencia. Visiting San Cristóbal hill implies catching a beautiful panoramic sight of the city and touring around the Zoo. I also like Santa Lucía hill, Parque forestal, the Brazil neighborhood, the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes and the Lastarria neighborhood, just to mention some places a foreign tourist should visit. What to do? The answer is simple… many things! If you are a food lover in Santiago you will find a variety of exquisite restaurants, although personally I'd recommend the Boulevard Lavaud located in the Yungay neighborhood, this restaurant is decorated with a French style and offers delicious food, without a doubt one of my favorite places. You can go to the movies, to the theater, ride through a park, or if you enjoy winter sports, Valle Nevado, La Parva, Farellones, El Colorado and Lagunillas ski resorts stand very close to the city and have very good accesses to feel poder snow. My top five places are the Quinta Normal is a public park Inside the Quinta Normal you can find the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, the Museo de Historia Natural and the Museo de Ciencia y Tecnología. I also recommend the aforementioned Boulevard Lavaud, the Parque Forestal, the Lastarria neighborhood and the Bellavista neighborhood. Finally, I just want to say… visit Santiago!