jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

Cybertesis: A very useful website!

Hi everyone! Today I will talk to you about a psychology related website and this is http://www.cybertesis.net/ . This portal, developed by the University of Chile, provides an easy accessible tool to full text electronic thesis published in different universities of the world. It is a powerful tool of consultation that allows to make simultaneous searches through a single web interface, and to recuperate thesis texts stored in different servers and university repositories. Each university is responsible for the production, preservation and diffusion of its thesis. The great innovation of this site is the integration of high standards in the production and electronic text transference. I found this webpage searching for information about different psychological topics for several university works. I usually visit this site everytime I'm doing reseach for university or I'm interested in an specific subject about psychology or another social science. I really like it because there is always the information I'm searching for and it offers many possibilities, I definitely recommend it!

10 comentarios:

  1. Hi!
    I think it's very usefull to know this site web, I will visit it very often, I think.

    see you in class, bye!!

  2. Coni!

    I visit this website too for making works for the university, it's very useful

    I like reading your blog

    I send you a kiss =)
    see you tomorrow at class

    We have to read!!! =(

  3. thanks for your comment...
    i like your page too...
    its very useful for ALL the works that we have to do :/

    take care

  4. that site can be very useful
    especially for works
    i didn't konw before
    i wiil chek it =)

  5. Coni!
    We can always use it for doing research, it's useful the most of time as a complement in a investigation!


  6. Hi Coni!!!
    you're right is a very useful page. Helps a lot in the investigation and in the many works they we have to do.

    See you!!!
    take care!!!
    bye bye!!!

  7. Hello my friend!

    Cybertesis is the best page of the world!
    always helps us on works, It have much information and search is very easy!

    take a rest and take care!
    a hug!

  8. Dear student
    Excellent Job!!


  9. I totally agree with you and all feedback from our classmates.
    Really It´s a great website!
    See you!

  10. hello cony!
    I like this website
    maybe we can find our graduated work in a few years!!

    see you!!
