jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

My blogging experience

Hello! Here I go again and for last time. Well, first I really enjoyed the activity, I have never done this before and in general it was a very funny experience, I found it interesting to have the opportunity to discuss issues wich interest me as my favorite subject, community psychology, my career and important authors as Michel Focault, among other themes. I think the development of this activity allowed me to improve my level of English, because I should reflect on the issues and be able to present arguments and ideas.
I consider that a very important advantage of this working method is that it provides the possibility of incorporating technology into learning, you can learn vocabulary and expressions while delves into topics of personal interest, it also allows you to interact with classmates through the comments, generating a feedback that enriches the process.
Although I make a positive assessment of the activity, I could point out as a disadvantage of blogging in the English class is the time required for its development, that is related to the need to work on the computer, which in my case, due to vision problems, it is sometimes more difficult. But really I have no negative criticism regarding structural aspects of this methodology of work.
Finally, I would like to say that, in a very special way, I will miss the blogging activity because it was fun to talk about topics that I like, thinking, generating criticism, new ideas and sharing this with others who may also be interested, also through the blogs of my classmates I learnt about them and their own interests which impacts not only on learning of academic content, but on the development of interpersonal relationships.
So, it is time to say good bye, this was nice experience, I hope we will meet in another opportunity without forget what we learnt.

domingo, 14 de junio de 2009

Creativity and Education

Hi everyone!, today I’m going to talk to you about a video from Ken Robinson, considered an expert on creativity. On this video he manifests how interesting education is for him and also the way this topic is deep-rooted in people as a basis for their lives. The most important themes in his approach are the children capacity of innovation and the great talents that many children have. He points out the relevance of creativity and the need to consider it as important as education. Moreover he says children usually are not afraid of being wrong and make a mistake, this idea doesn’t mean creativity is the same as being wrong, what he really means is that if you don’t take the risk probably you will never create something really original. The main theme is that children start losing their capacity of innovation as they grow up, because educational system considers the mistake in a very negative way and punishes it. After that, he talks about a hierarchy of subjects which cross the countries, mathematic and languages, then humanities and in the bottom the arts, but also within the arts there is a hierarchy too, in general music and art have a higher status than drama and dance. Another theme treated by him is the public education wich seems to be focused on generating university professionals who are disembodied and live in their head. Finally, believes that our only hope is to assume a different conception of human ecology to re-establish the conception of the richness of human capacity and rethink the principle in wich the education of our children is based. I think this is a very interesting proposal, so I invite you to internalize in his tought.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

My favorite subject =)

Hi everyone! Today I am going to talk to you about my favorite subject this term, this is community psychology. The subject is developed by a group of teachers formed by Germán Rozas, Rodolfo Sapiains and Rodrigo Quiroz. I really like this subject because I am very interested in issues of social conflicts, specially poverty and environmental problems, I also like the community perspective of social processes. This semester I have learnt about perspectives on the discipline, its goals and objectives, forms and general working definitions of community psychology in relation to historical, geographical and sociocultural contexts wich it was developed in. We also treated the concept of community and the evolution of this concept, the sense of community, the types of community, the notion of social practice, the modernity and the construction of social problems in community psychology. Other themes treated were the community mental health approach, the systemic perspective, the strengthening and social change approach, and finally the approach of social capital and citizenship. Some of the most interesting themes for me were poverty, social and urban segregation, social representations, collective memory and its relationship with the community, and the relationship between community psychology and public politics. I invite you to internalize in this interesting branch of psychology, greetings!